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Garudasana "Eagle Pose"

Posted on July 24 2019

Pronunciation: (gah-roo-dah-sah-na)



  • Beginner





Benefits: This pose stretches the back, shoulders, and thighs.  It helps improve your balance and coordination while strengthening your legs. 

How it's done:

  • Bring one knee high, and wrap the foot around the opposite leg, starting at the thigh.  Some people can do a double wrap, others only one.  Both are acceptable. 
  • Bring one elbow over the other arm. bring forearms together so that hands meet in prayer position. If this is not possible, hug your shoulders.
  • Once balance is achieved, bend at the knee and the hip fold.
  • Full Eagle is achieved when arms are wrapped, legs are wrapped, thigh is parallel to the ground, and you bend forward so that elbow is touching the knee. 


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