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Agnistambhasna "Fire Log Pose"

Posted on June 29 2019


How to Fire Log Pose How to Fire Log Pose

Pronunciation: (og-ni-stom-BAHS-anna)



  • Beginner




Counter Pose:


This pose opens your hips with gravity, letting you release into the stretch.


How it's done:

  1. Begin in a sitting position.
  2. Bend your left leg in and turn it out, laying the outside of your leg on the floor with your left foot outside of your right hip.
  3. Slide your right leg on top of your left. If it’s available to you, bring your right leg across so that your foot rests on your left knee. 
  4. Place your hands at or behind your hips with fingertips on the floor.
  5. If you are able, lengthen your front body and place your hands out ahead of you. Without rounding your back, fold forward.
  6. Hold for 3-5 minutes, then release and repeat with the other leg on top. 



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