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Adho Mukha Svanasana "Downward Dog Pose"

Posted on June 29 2019

How to Downward Facing Dog


Pronunciation: (ad-hoo muh-kah svahn-AHS-ah-nuh)


Also called:

  • Downward Facing Dog Pose
  • Down Dog Pose



  • Beginner




Counter Pose:



This pose stretches and strengthens major muscle groups throughout your body, so it’s ideal to use as a warm-up or cool down around a workout like running or cycling.

How it's done:

  1. Start on all fours on the floor.
  2. Exhale and press into your hands and feet, lengthening your tailbone toward the ceiling.
  3. On your next exhalation, stretch your knees, letting your heels fall toward or onto the floor.
  4. Firm your shoulder blades and keep your head between your arms. Remain in this pose for one to three minutes.



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