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The World’s Smallest Yoga Mat!

Posted on January 10 2021


If you’ve ever tried practicing yoga on a slippery mat - or even without a mat - you probably know how uncomfortable it can be. Whether you are traveling, practicing in a studio or just flowing at home, practicing without something to help grip your hands and feet to the ground can be not only difficult, but downright dangerous. Having your hands slip from underneath you while holding a posture is definitely not the most ideal situation you want to be in. But luckily, there is a fix for that!


YogaPaws Yoga Gloves and Yoga Socks

YogaPaws are the world’s smallest, nonslip yoga mat for your hands and feet! They fit just like regular gloves and are made of the lightweight, grippy mat material you find in high end & expensive mats (for a fraction of the price!). While regular mats can be bulky or take up too much room in your home, YogaPaws are tiny wearable mats that take up virtually no space which allows you to move freely anywhere you want


The gloves are available in either a 4 or 2-piece set, and they come in a variety of sizes, colors and thicknesses based on your needs. The SkinThins offer 2mm of extra cushion while the Elites offer 5mm of extra cushion, which is perfect of you need the extra wrist support. They are latex free, made of natural rubber and breathable mesh which are harmless to the environment and will not cause allergies or irritation of the skin. The liquid absorbent lining wick moisture away from your hands and feet to keep you from slipping. Best of all, you don’t have to take them in the shower or hose them down like a regular mat. Just flip them inside out, put them on your hands and use a mild soap while rubbing them together. Take them off and let them air dry and voila!


YogaPaws fit comfortably on your hands and feet without being overly compressed or movement restricted. They grip the surface of the ground, mats, or even slippery surfaces such as paddleboards, or coated surfaces. Their use also extends beyond just practicing yoga - you can also use them for a multitude of different practices including SUP yoga, Pilates, weight training, biking and pole.


The best part is that they are incredibly portable! Unlike carrying a heavy, long and awkward yoga mat around while you’re traveling or running to the studio, you can easily fit YogaPaws into your bag and use them whenever you need them (hello airport yoga!) No need to worry about lugging your mat on the plane or getting it dirty when practicing outside. YogaPaws are your new favorite yoga accessory!


So, where are you taking your practice next?




Stephanie Morgyn is a certified health & mindfulness coach, wellness blogger, yoga instructor, writer, speaker and entrepreneur from Chicago! Her goal is to help women find calm and positivity in their hectic lives, cultivate mindfulness, and live with passion, authenticity & purpose. Visit her website at for more information on her upcoming mindfulness courses, blogs and more!







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