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Virasana "Hero Pose"

Posted on July 30 2019

Pronunciation: (veer-AHS-ah-na)


Also called:

  • Diamond Pose
  • Zen Pose
  • Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose)



  • Beginner





Benefits: This pose stretches your thighs, calves, and even your ankles.  It can reduce gas, and improve digestion. 

Please perform this pose with caution if you have knee issues. 

How it's done:

  • Kneel on the floor (easiest start) Some start in a seated position and bend each knee back one at at time.  Do whichever way is most comfortable for you. 
  • Keeping your knees together, exhale and sit back
  • Your thighs should be stacked on your calves or calves should be to the sides of each knee.  
  • Your big toes should be touching (if possible) with the tops of your feet flat upon the floor.
  • If your knees are tight, use a folded towel between your knees and calves for support (see video)
  • Feel an invisible cord pulling up from the base of your skull, lengthening your spine.


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