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Supta Virasana "Reclined Hero Pose"

Posted on July 30 2019

Pronunciation: (soop-tah veer-AHS-ana)


Also called:

  • Extended Supine Hero Pose
  • Reclined Saddle Pose
  • Bed Pose B (Paryankasana B)
  • Reclined Thunderbolt Pose



  • Intermediate





Benefits: This delightful pose will make you feel long and strong as it stretches your knees, thighs, spine, shoulders, and arms. 

How it's done:

  • Begin from a sitting position with legs extended. 
  • Bend legs back until you are in Hero Pose
  • As your ability allows, slowly recline onto your palms, and then elbows, and then shoulders
  • If you are able to go all the way down, clasp your hands or arms 


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