Posted on July 27 2019
Pronunciation: (PAHR-ee-VREE-tah trick-ohn-AHS-ana)
Also called: |
Level: |
Chakra: |
Benefits: In addition to approving your core strength and balance, this posture stretches your obliques (side muscles) and legs. It strengthens your thighs.
How it's done:
- Begin in a standing pose with feet shoulder with apart.
- Step forward. Front foot is pointed forward, the back foot is at a 45-degree angle
- Turn your torso towards the front leg. Keep hips pointed forward.
- Bending at the hips, drop your opposite hand to the knee, shin, ankle, or floor of the forward leg.
- Gaze should be forward for beginners, intermediate and advanced users can focus their gaze up to their thumb.