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Parivrtta Anjaneyasana "Revolved Crescent Lunge Pose"

Posted on July 27 2019

Pronunciation: (PAHR-ee-VREE-tah ahn-jen-ay-AHS-ana)


Also called:

  • Twisted Crescent Lunge
  • Crescent Lunge with a Twist
  • Twisting Crescent Lunge
  • Revolved High Lunge
  • High Lunge with a Twist
  • Twisting High Lunge
  • Twisting Lunge
  • Twisted Lunge



  • Intermediate





Benefits: In addition to approving your core strength and balance, this posture stretches your obliques (side muscles), and strengthens your thighs. 

How it's done:

  • Beginning in Downward Facing Dog, lift your left leg to the sky, and then bring it forward between your shoulders. 
  • Drop your right knee (this is the modified version) for high lunge version, keep your right knee off the ground. 
  • On inhale, twist your torso so that your left elbow is hooked over your left knee.  
  • Bring your palms together, elbows and shoulders in line with each other
  • Lengthen your torso, keep it straight, avoid folding on one side or another
  • As a checkpoint, ensure that your palms are at the center of your chest.  If they've moved to the side, you're not twisted with a long line.  


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