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Bhujapidasana "Shoulder Pressing Pose"

Posted on July 21 2019

Pronunciation: (buj-uh-peed-AHS-ah-nuh)


Also called:

  • Shoulder Pressure Pose
  • Arm Pressure Yoga Pose



  • Intermediate




Benefits:  This pose helps to strengthen your wrists, arms, and core, as well as prepare you for Firefly Pose.

How it's done:

  • With feet slightly less than shoulder-width apart, squat down, open your knees. 
  • At the same time, move your hands and arms through your legs so that the bend of your knee is as high as possible on your arm - up to the shoulder is ideal. 
  • Move your hands back on the mat
  • Squeeze your legs in and wrap your ankles
  • As you drop your hips, your feet will rise off the mat.  
  • Find your balance.


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